Is Miss Lu Satisfied with My Body? (7)

"Am I tastier than the food?" Mo Yuanxiu looked up but did not put down his bowl and chopsticks.

Lu Manman looked away.

She blushed a little awkwardly.

"You don't look too good," she said.

"I'll be fine in a while," he said calmly.

Her brows furrowed.

While eating quietly, Mo Yuanxiu was very serious and quiet.

Lu Manman ate a few more bites but eventually put down her chopsticks.

Mo Yuanxiu glanced at her and pursed his lips without saying anything.

She sat quietly at the table and watched as he ate.

Half an hour later.

Mo Yuanxiu put down his chopsticks after he was done with his meal. He then turned to the service staff who had been waiting for him. "Get me a glass of warm water."

"Yes, Mr. Mo." The service staff hurried out.

Lu Manman wiped her mouth.

Qin Ao ate rather quickly and had finished his meal long ago. He was standing aside and waiting.