Wedding Gown Shoot Disaster (3)

Lu Manman looked at Mo Yuanxiu in shock and horror.

Lu Zichuan and Lu Xuanran had been surrounding him just a moment ago, so why was he suddenly beside her now?

Lu Zichuan and Lu Xuanran were stunned as well.

She had no idea how Mo Yuanxiu managed to get past them and to her side so quickly.

Although it was only three to five steps away, this speed was still shocking.

Lan Xiaojun's face was turning whiter and whiter as she looked at Mo Yuanxiu. Panic was plain on her face. Just as she was about to suffocate, Mo Yuanxiu suddenly let go of her. With a strong push, she fell to the ground and was in so much pain that she was coughing nonstop. Tears began to flow uncontrollably from her eyes, and she looked extremely uncomfortable.

The ward went quiet all of a sudden.

Other than Lan Xiaojun's uncontrollable screams, everyone went quiet.

Everything had happened so suddenly that no one could react in time.

How did Mo Yuanxiu do it?!