The Spring Breeze at the Wedding Is Nothing Like You (3)

Mo Yuanxiu did not harp on it. He half-knelt calmly and smiled. His smile was so charming!

Two minutes later.

A maid appeared with a tray.

There was a golden glass cover on the tray. Nobody knew what was inside, but Gu Xin smiled meaningfully.

She got the maid to remove the lid.

Inside laid four things in delicate packaging: lemon, cake, bitter gourd, and chili peppers.

When everyone saw this, they could tell at a glance what was going on.

"Come, come, have a taste of the different flavors of life." Gu Xin got the maid to bring it to Mo Yuanxiu.

Mo Yuanxiu looked at the food before him and was about to take a bite without hesitation when Gu Xin suddenly said, "You have a two-minute time limit. Start all over again in two minutes!"

Mo Yuanxiu chuckled, then took a huge bite of the lemon. His expression remained the same, but everyone else felt their teeth ache.

Then, he picked up the cake.