The Spring Breeze at the Wedding Is Nothing Like You (5)

"Actually, simpler would do," Lu Manman said.

Mo Yuanxiu looked at her, then said, "I can't keep a low profile."

What a brat.

Lu Manman cursed under her breath.

"You're really beautiful today," he complimented her.

She did not seem to have expected him to say something like that. Her face turned a little red, giving her a nice flush.

"You're not going to praise me?" Mo Yuanxiu asked.

"You're so handsome, the most handsome guy in the world!" Lu Manman rolled her eyes and said sarcastically.

"Mm-hm," Mo Yuanxiu replied nonchalantly.

Lu Manman really could not figure out what he was thinking and what he wanted from her!