The Spring Breeze at the Wedding Is Nothing Like You (7)

Lu Manman could not understand Gu Xin. She had grown up in the high society of the four large and powerful families, but how could she be inelegant to this extent? She was practically a weirdo in high society!

Her makeup took another two hours.

She had no idea what was going on outside. She sat on the couch in the dressing room, quietly waiting.

The people in Northern Xia were more traditional and were especially concerned about the auspicious date. Hence, the wedding would be held at 12:08 p.m.

There was half an hour left.

Half an hour was enough for her to catch her breath.

She took out her cell phone and browsed the news.

There's a prominent headline in the news: Ten miles of spring breeze, I'd rather sleep with you.

Lu Manman blushed just thinking about it.

How did he even manage to blurt it out!

She went through posts on her wedding.