The Spring Breeze at the Wedding Is Nothing Like You (9)

Everyone held their breaths as they watched Lu Manman's earth-shattering beauty.

At the end of the road, a man in a black suit was waiting for her with a faint smile on his face. His charisma was evident as he watched her approach. The entire wedding venue was as quiet as it had ever been. At this point, it looked so miraculous.

She somehow felt that this moment should not be disrupted.

She stopped right before him.

Lu Zishan placed her hand in his.

There was a hint of warmth in their palms.

Mo Yuanxiu held her hand, then bowed at ninety degrees respectfully toward Lu Zishan.

Lu Zishan was stunned for a moment and then smiled kindly. He then patted Mo Yuanxiu on the shoulder as if in agreement.

He looked away from Lu Zishan.

He turned to look at Lu Manman, and she looked back at him.

She was in a wedding dress, and her smiling face was faintly discernible.