Wedding Night (10)

In the innermost bedroom on the right end of the second floor.

Mo Yuanxiu pushed open the door.

The huge room had evidently been tidied up. It was spick and span.

Lu Manman suddenly remembered that he had said she would be staying over tonight…

Did that mean that she was going to sleep in the same bed as him??

"Help me apply the cream," he suddenly said.

She hurriedly walked over and saw that the back of his hand was already red. She squeezed out some cream and applied it on him slowly. Her movements were light, and to alleviate his pain, she even blew on his wound very seriously.

From his angle, he could see her long and dense eyelashes that trembled slightly, her small nose, and her pink lips.

"Does it hurt?" Lu Manman looked up and asked him.

When she looked up, she saw the look in his eyes.

She froze.