Little B*tch, Evidence (2)

The car arrived at the private hospital in the city center soon enough.

Mo Li was pushed into the emergency room hurriedly.

Everyone waited anxiously in the hospital corridor.

The corridor was very quiet.

It was extremely quiet.

Mo Kun and Jiang Yuyan were anxiously pacing up and down, unable to stop for even a second.

Mo Yuanxiu was leaning against the corridor as well, reading the words 'emergency room' quietly with a tense expression.

But Lu Manman was much calmer.

Actually, if anything were to happen to Mo Li at this point, she should be the most worried about her. Everyone would be pointing fingers at her!

She pursed her lips and kept quiet as she tried to control her emotions.

A full two and a half hours passed.

The emergency room door finally opened.

Jiang Yuyan rushed over and asked anxiously, "Dr. Zhang, how's my daughter?"