Little B*tch, Evidence (5)

No matter how obedient a puppy was, it would not kill itself for its master. This was its survival instinct.

She narrowed her eyes and headed downstairs.

The servants downstairs looked at her cautiously.

"Where do you usually see the surveillance cameras?" Lu Manman asked.

"It's in a small house outside the living room. We have a security room," the servant hurriedly answered.

"Okay." Lu Manman strode out, turned right, and saw a small house. She knocked on the door and entered.

The security officer looked at her and greeted her respectfully. "Young Madam."

"I want the surveillance video from nine to six in the morning," Lu Manman said directly and firmly.

The security guards could not resist her force of presence and immediately got what she wanted.

Lu Manman watched the video as she asked, "Did you notice anything unusual last night?"