Mo Yuanxiu is Important in Interlocked Stratagems (6)

Lu Manman also saw the item in his hand. She looked at it from afar and saw that it was similar to what Butler Wang had shown her. Hence, she instantly knew what he was holding.

The two of them looked at each other.

Mo Yuanxiu casually played with the medicine in his hand, not at all embarrassed. "Miss Lu, why are you looking for me?"

"Mo Yuanxiu, we agreed to collaborate."

"Mm?" He raised an eyebrow.

"If we weren't so pressed for time, I wouldn't have asked you to come forward," Lu Manman said again.

Mo Yuanxiu looked at her calmly.

"Liu Quanzhong won't be staying in the government for long. I'll get Ye Heng to help investigate his background and find some evidence of his crimes. After the investigation is done, I'll report it to the relevant authorities. If he's punished, he won't be able to make things difficult for you in the government."

"You still want Mo Mandate to threaten Liu Quanzhong?" he asked.