A Strategy Burying a Trap (2)

"Director Yue, what do you think of Jian Tong?" Lu Manman turned around and asked.

Yue Nan nodded. "She's not bad and has always had a good image. But the board of directors might not consider Zhang Wei's artist anymore."

"I can talk to the board of directors about that."

"Since Director Lu has already considered it, I have no objections," Yue Nan said directly.

"Mr. Zhang, I'll discuss the upcoming collaboration with you after I report this to the board of directors."

"Thank you, Director Lu."


Lu Manman nodded, and they left the meeting room.

She returned to the office.

Soon, everyone in the company knew that Lu Manman was preparing to sign the artist under Zhang Wei, Jian Tong.

In an instant, the news spread from Lu Firm to the entire entertainment industry.

This was the effect she wanted.

Two hours later.

Lu Manman appeared on the board of directors.