Happy Birthday, Mo Yuanxiu (8)

Other than Mo Yuanxiu, Ye Heng, Morris, Yin Lanyi, and Qin Ao, there were two other men she had never met before.

Mo Yuanxiu did not introduce her to his friends, and this made Lu Manman feel awkward.

Just as she was cursing Mo Yuanxiu for being insensible, the two strange men suddenly picked up their glasses and walked over. They smiled and said, "Hello, sister-in-law. I'm Leng Zecheng, a classmate from Ah Xiu's university. I was at your wedding, but you were probably too busy that day, so you don't remember me."

Lu Manman looked at Leng Zecheng.

Leng Zecheng?!

Alright, she really did not know him. She had not even heard of his name.

This man looked alright. He was tall enough and had a nice figure.

The man beside Leng Zecheng said, "Hello, sister-in-law. My name is Wang Haiyang. The fortune-teller said that I was born deficient in water, so my parents came up with this name. I'm Ye Heng's cousin."