Happy Birthday, Mo Yuanxiu (10)

Mo Yuanxiu and Ye Heng were having a drink.

Lu Manman looked around. She had no idea where Yin Lanyi and Morris were. They had probably left.

She hesitated for a while but eventually sat down beside him. This time, there was some distance between them.

When she thought of what Yin Lanyi had said just now, she felt disgusted.

Every cell in her body was rejecting him.

She could even imagine him sleeping with Yin Lanyi…

She was terribly disgusted!

"Madam Mo, do you want a drink?" Ye Heng suddenly asked her.

"No." Her tone was unpleasant.

Ye Heng was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Mo Yuanxiu innocently. "Have I offended her?"

Mo Yuanxiu shrugged and smiled.

Ye Heng touched his nose. "I won't disturb you two anymore."

He left dejectedly and headed to the side to have a drink with the other men.

Looking at her, Mo Yuanxiu reached out and pulled her into his arms.