Fate-Reversal Incident (3)

She had just given him a push, and he had been in a car accident.

She walked over, shaking uncontrollably.

The paramedics carried Di An to the ambulance.

She followed suit.

She looked at Di An, who had his eyes closed, and the ventilator over his mouth. She had always felt that such a scene would only appear in a romance drama. How could it be so realistic before her eyes?

After a while, she took out her trembling cell phone and called Lu Manman.

She did not know who to call, but the first person she thought of was Lu Manman.

Not Di Yi.

The call went through.

There was some noise on the other end.

Gu Xin had been trying her best to control her emotions at that point, so as not to panic. But she could not bear to hear herself say it. "Di An met with an accident!"

Lu Manman narrowed her eyes and kept her cool. "Where are you?"