Since You Love Me So Much (2)

"Yes." Everyone was extremely respectful.

Lu Manman stood up. "Meeting adjourned."

With that, she left.

Lu Xuanran sat in the meeting room and looked at her domineering demeanor.

Was this woman really the Lu Manman he knew?

All his memories were still of how he had bullied Lu Manman back then and how she had always hid behind her parents and avoided him. Sometimes, he even bullied her on purpose, such as grabbing her hair or tugging at her skirt. She had just felt aggrieved and had not dared to make a sound. Back then, Grandpa had always been biased towards him. No matter what prank he played, he would tell off Lu Manman and say that as the elder sister, she should dote on her younger brother and let him do whatever he wanted.

Lu Manman seemed to have changed overnight.

She had become so domineering that he could no longer bully her whenever he wanted!

He even felt like he was being bullied by her.

This feeling…