Since You Love Me So Much (11)

The car sped off but stopped at the last second.

The brakes shocked the entire street.

Many cars drove past her in shock.

Gu Xin tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

The huge impact just now had forced her to tighten her seatbelt. Her body hurt, but she did not seem to feel it at this point.

She was just crying silently.

She could not do it.

She suddenly remembered her father who had said, "Gu Xin, when you were eight, your mother passed away, and I lost the woman I love the most…"

If she died, what would happen to her father?!

She tightened her grip on the steering wheel as horns sounded, urging her not to block the road.

She wiped her tears away forcefully.

She started the car, turned around, and drove off.

She drove all the way to the private hospital in the city center.

After parking the car, she headed to Di An's ward.