Serial Stratagem: Something Happened to Mo Yuanxiu (6)

Her eyes narrowed.

Lu Manman said directly, "Accompany me to the Trade and Commerce Administration Office and bring along our marketing plan. I'm going to apply for an investigation into Lu Firm's business contractual leak."

Zhang Cui was a little shocked. "Director Lu, you mean that someone revealed our business secrets?"

"Yes." Lu Manman was very sure.

Zhang Cui hurriedly nodded. "I'll prepare the relevant documents right away."

Lu Manman watched as Zhang Cui left.

Lu Xuanran, don't blame me for being too merciless!

In the Gu family's villa.

Gu Xin was waiting for her father in the living room.

Gu Zhengying came downstairs in a black suit, looking a little formal. Gu Xin, on the other hand, was in a t-shirt, jeans, and shoes, appearing much more casual.

Gu Zhengying looked at his daughter and wanted to remind her. But after some thought, he acquiesced.