Serial Stratagem: Something Happened to Mo Yuanxiu (9)

Lu Manman left Lu Zishan's office.

Back then, she had been uncertain and could not understand why her father had agreed to let Lu Xuanran join the marketing department. Even if he could not withstand her grandfather's orders, he would not have made the decision without discussing it with her. Now, she probably knew that her father also felt that the people in the Lu family's main household should not stay in Lu Firm.

After some thought, she remembered that she was the one who had promised Lu Xuanran to enter the Lu family's business. Her father had never agreed to it.

And her father seemed to be planning to use her to get rid of Lu Xuanran.

In Lu Firm, her father did not seem like he would give anyone a chance.

Of course, Lu Manman was not blaming her father. She just felt that her father valued Lu Firm more than she thought!

She returned to her office.