Shower Me (1)

"Don't touch me." Gu Xin sounded disgusted.

Di An was stunned for a moment and then pursed his thin lips. When he was very close to Gu Xin, he stopped. He could even feel her breathing. Thankfully, he had not touched her yet.

He straightened up.

The priest looked at them and felt a little angry. Seeing the awkward atmosphere, he hurriedly eased his emotions and said, "The marriage contract is completed. Congratulations on becoming a legal couple."

A legal couple.

Gu Xin felt that these words were so jarring.

The wedding ceremony ended.

Under everyone's gaze, Di An and Gu Xin left the church.

Di An's footsteps were a little slow. As his feet were a little fractured, he did not walk very naturally.

Gu Xin, on the other hand, was getting impatient. She wanted to run off as soon as possible. She wanted to run off the red carpet as soon as possible.

Di An seemed to sense her impatience and pursed his lips.