Lu Xuanran’s Ending (3)

"Will it be too troublesome?" Lu Yanran asked expectantly.

"Of course not," Wen Yun said and smiled affectionately. "Let's go."

Lu Yanran nodded and followed closely behind him.

Wen Yun drove Lu Yanran home.

It was already very late, and the streets of Wen City were extremely quiet.

The two of them were actually very quiet.

Lu Yanran was actually very nervous. Being alone with Wen Yun made her extremely nervous.

She kept looking at Wen Yun, either consciously or subconsciously. She saw that he was driving seriously and that he seemed to be upset.

It must be because something had happened to Lu Xuanran that Wen Yun felt so terrible.

Actually, it was not as hard for her to accept Lu Xuanran's matter as she thought.