Mo Yuanxiu, You Must Be Dirty (4)

Mo Yuanxiu was silent, his body almost tense.

Lu Manman was very drunk.

She finished one cup and poured another.

Mo Yuanxiu watched as she drank an entire bottle of red wine.

She even burped.

The redness on her face became even more obvious, like a ripe apple.

It was so red…

Mo Yuanxiu's throat moved slightly.

Lu Manman finished the last drop of wine in the tall glass and poured the red wine bottle in her left hand into it. After pouring for a long time, she still could not pour it out. She threw the red wine bottle to the ground in a fit of anger, making a violent sound of glass shattering.

Mo Yuanxiu's expression darkened as he looked at her.

She looked innocent as if she could not tell that she had done something wrong. She suddenly threw the wine glass in her hand away.

Mo Yuanxiu's expression turned even uglier.

That wine glass was an antique!