Mo Yuanxiu, You Must Be Dirty (8)

Who was the one who said last night that he only wanted to have s*x?!

Who was the one who said that he could not have sex without love?!

Of course, Lu Manman was only trying to agitate Mo Yuanxiu. She did not want her innocence in this life to be ruined by him.

She ran back to her room angrily and locked the door.

She was afraid that Mo Yuanxiu would take revenge on her.

She felt that that man could do anything.

She lay on the bed and picked up her phone to call Gu Xin.

The other party answered the call in a daze, her voice still sleepy. "Hello…"

"Gu Xin?"

"Yes. What's the matter?"

"I'm free today. It's been a long time since we ate together. Let's get together."

"Mm-hm," Gu Xin answered.

"Let's have lunch. Get up and take a shower."


"Don't agree to it so readily only to fall asleep after hanging up." Lu Manman reminded her.

"I got it. You're so naggy." Gu Xin hung up.