Chapter 540 Fate Explosion (2)

Zhai an touched her book bit by bit.

Second Row, third row, fifth book from left to right.

He picked it up and opened it.

He could not see anything. It was just a slightly yellowed notebook.

He flipped through it bit by bit and touched a photo.

In that photo was Gu Xin. When she was young, she was a girl who could only be written in the depths of her heart in her diary.

He still remembered that Gu Xin was smiling very brightly in this photo.

It was similar to the photo he took abroad. They were both taken secretly. They were both taken when he was a student.

He stood there and relied on his feelings to recall the words in the past.

He heard footsteps.

He turned his head.

He looked in the direction of the door in a daze.

“It’s me.”Zhai Yi’s voice sounded a little cold.

Zhai an pursed her lips and casually placed the photo into the book.

Zhai Yi said, “I came back to get some information. I heard from the maid that you’re back, so I came in to take a look.”