Chapter 561 she did not blame Zhai an for being powerless

She looked at the things on the ground and then unintentionally saw the red marks on the big white bed.



She covered her head. She did not want to remember the humiliation she had suffered under that man last night.

She hugged the quilt tightly and screamed crazily!

She could not accept this blow at all!

The bathroom door was suddenly pushed open.

Wen Yan looked up and saw that Zhai Yi appeared in front of her with only a white towel on. It was so earth-shattering.

“You’re Awake?”Zhai Yi appeared very calm.

He was even cold.

He was completely different from the man who had sex crazily last night.

This man was completely cold-blooded!

She stared fiercely at Zhai Yi and did not hide the depression in her heart. She used all her strength to roar, “Get lost!”

“Get lost?”Zhai Yi sneered. That devil-like expression appeared on his face. He said, “Didn’t you say that you wanted me to cooperate with you? Now, I don’t dare to!”