Chapter 566: not daring to take risks (1)

Gu Xin sat nervously in the dining room, waiting for Zhai Yi.

Too many things had happened last night. Those things could completely turn her world upside down. She really did not know what to do. She really did not know how to face it for the rest of her life.

She bit her lip.

She sat upright.

The sound of footsteps could be heard outside the room.

At that moment, she did not even have the courage to turn her head.

Slowly speaking, in this world, the person she would let down would only be Zhai an.

Ethically, perhaps.

But emotionally, she would always feel that she had let Zhai Yi down.

It was only because she did not love Zhai An.

She was a little nervous. She was so nervous that she heard the familiar male voice behind her call out to her, “Xiao Xin.”

Gu Xin’s body was trembling slightly. She turned her head and looked at Zhai Yi.

The moment she looked at him, her tears fell silently.