Chapter 576 Man Man’s birthday banquet (2)

This fellow’s way of commemorating was really different from ordinary people.

She became a little more serious. “Then hurry up and eat. After you eat, hurry up and go out. You Can’t give the leader a bad impression on your first day at work, right?”

Mo Xiuyuan smiled indifferently, but he still sped up his leisurely eating of breakfast.

After breakfast.

The two of them went out together.

Mo Xiuyuan was dressed in a suit and tie.

Lu Man Man always felt that this man, Mo Xiuyuan, could hold on to any kind of clothes. After putting on a suit, he would instantly become mature and steady with the aura of a boss. She was really worried about Mo Xiuyuan’s leadership, it was very easy for him to steal all the limelight.

The two of them sat in Qin Ao’s car.

Lu man said directly, “I’ll send you first. Don’t be late for your first day.”

Mo Xiuyuan did not decline.

The car drove to Wen Cheng’s government building.

“What Department are you assigned to?”Lu Man asked.