Chapter 591 man man’s birthday banquet (8)

“Yes, yes, I know.”Moli nodded her head obediently.

Lu man man looked at Moli’s harmless expression and felt that she had succeeded.

Probably during this period of time, due to the previous incident, Moli would be looked at differently in this family. Moreover, she knew very well that the person responsible for solving the problem had to be the one who solved it. She only needed to find Lu man to resolve the misunderstanding.., only then would she be able to gain everyone’s recognition again.

Really, she was very calculative in everything she did.

And the more she did so, the more she felt that this woman could not be ignored.

The three of them walked into the living room together.

Mo Kun and Mo Xiuyuan had returned to the living room. Morris had probably already left.

Mo Xiuyuan saw the three of them enter and stood up from the sofa on his own initiative. Then, he naturally walked towards Lu man man and hugged her waist.

Lu Man felt Mo Li’s gaze on them.