Chapter 593 conspiracy at Man Man’s birthday party (1)

Gu Xin was so stunned that she threw the thing directly at Zhai An.

Zhai an did not seem to know what it was. At that moment, she was also surprised by the sudden appearance of the thing. He grabbed it and felt its pulse. He touched it and slowly, slowly, his entire face turned red..

Gu Xin really felt that she had the urge to die.

No one, not even her father, would want Zhai an to know that she had bought this item.

Gu Xin was petrified.

It took her a long time to react. She rushed over to Zhai an.

As she was too anxious, she only wanted to bring the item over. She had always been careless. When she got close to the coffee table, she tripped over it. Then, she jumped into Zhai An’s arms, she could not control herself and fell into Zhai An’s arms.

The two of them hugged each other affectionately, and the sound of electricity in their ears rose and fell.