Chapter 638. Ever since she got married, she had never thought of getting a divorce (8)

Looking at the time, Lu Man was about to go to the meeting room when her phone rang.

Looking at the incoming call, her eyes narrowed.

“Lu Yanran.”

“Cousin, do you have time to meet?”

“I’m very busy right now.”

“Then I’ll wait for you. I’m in a coffee shop opposite the Lu Corporation. If you’re done with your work, you can take the time to meet me. I’ll send the room number to your phone.”

Lu Man hesitated for a second. “Okay.”

After hanging up the phone, Lu Man did not know why Lu Yanran was looking for her at this time. However, she did not need to be on guard against this woman.

And she was sure that she was not having a good time right now.

Based on Lu Qinzheng and Lu Zichuan’s temper, Lu Yanran should have taken a lot of verbal abuse.

She did not have time to think too much and walked straight into the meeting room.

The higher-ups of each department sat in the meeting room. There were about seven people, including Lin Chuchen, who had just started his job.