Chapter 648 I Love You, Mo Xiuyuan (9)

Mo Xiuyuan turned his eyes and looked at her fair fingers.

Lu Man came out from under the blanket and sat on the bed.

The towel was originally loose and lazy, so when she sat up, it naturally slipped down her shoulders. Her naked skin was exposed under the light.

Mo Xiuyuan’s eyes moved slightly and his throat rose and fell. “I’ll go help you with your pajamas.”

“No need,”Lu man said. “Sit down.”

Mo Xiuyuan frowned and slowly sat down beside her.

Lu Man’s soft body leaned over and her bare arms hugged Mo Xiuyuan’s neck. She looked straight into his eyes and said, “Mo Xiuyuan, Lu Yanran’s death has made me feel so deeply that life is short. Even last time, when I was kidnapped by Yin Lanyi, I didn’t think that life would be short.”

Mo Xiuyuan pursed his thin lips and looked at her.

He looked at her unusual behavior today.