Chapter 675 Battle of Conspiracy (8)

Lu Man was silent and deep in thought.

According to her previous life, a software application from seven years ago was worth around 18 million. Now, it was worth 7 million. For a businessman, this was indeed a rather fearless expenditure, moreover, according to her understanding of the mobile phone software in her previous life, Zhai’s software was indeed top-notch in the country. If she did not cooperate with him, it would become increasingly uncompetitive in the mobile phone market. Moreover, Zhai’s company had been devoting all these years to product development and research. They did not decline and had been complacent about their achievements. In the future, their development would be more and more smooth, if she knew the extent of the development of the mobile phone software in her previous life, would she be ahead of Zhai’s achievements in advance? She could choose to take it!