Chapter 683 was really pregnant (7)

The existence of this child was directly related to Zhai an and Gu Xin’s future!

Zhai an did not nod nor shake her head.

She could not give a definite answer to something that she was not sure of.

He did not have the ability to persuade Gu Xin to do anything, but he thought that perhaps he would listen to her slowly and give himself a chance to turn things around.

After all, to Gu Xin, the despicable things he had done to her were not just one or two things.

The first was to get married.

The second was to sleep with her.

The third was to have a child!

Was this a natural outcome, or was it a blessing in disguise!

Actually, he did not really know, nor did he dare to give her too much hope.

“Man Man, thank you.”Zhai an was sincerely grateful.

He was really touched that someone could stand on his side so firmly.

Lu man patted Zhai an’s shoulder. “Anyway, Congratulations.”

Zhai an was stunned and smiled.