Chapter 708 was because it happened too frequently (6)

Her heart felt warm for some reason.

She was always touched by Mo Xiuyuan’s unintentional actions and did not feel that he had done anything. However, unknowingly, she could feel the strong feelings that this man had for her, she could not tell if such feelings were the same as the feelings she had for Wen Yun in the past, but she had never thought of rejecting him.

After tidying up the things on the table, Lu Man got off work.

The secretaries were a little surprised when they saw Lu man leave so early.

They were also secretly glad that they finally did not have to work overtime.

Lu Man sat in Qin Ao’s car.

Qin Ao was still driving very slowly and steadily.

It was rare for Lu Man to ask for the reason. Anyway, it did not touch her bottom line and did not involve her interests. She could usually make do with it.

The car arrived at Mo Xiuyuan’s villa.