Chapter 735 Battle of conspiracies (6)

Gu Xin was a woman who never guarded against outsiders. She would never know how many people around her were scheming against her and how many people were plotting against her in the dark.

She pursed her lips.

Last night, the image of Gu Xin covered in blood flashed through her mind.

She adjusted her emotions.

The car drove steadily to the Gu family’s villa.

They reached their destination.

Lu Man got out of the car.

The Gu family’s staff warmly welcomed her in.

At this moment, in the hall, Gu Xin was sitting on the sofa watching television. Her face was filled with unhappiness, as if someone owed her eight million dollars.

Zhai an sat quietly at the side. She did not say anything. Zhai an did not like television programs, and she could not see them either. It was probably to accompany Gu Xin.

At this moment, Gu Zhengying was practicing tai chi on the grass outside the villa.

The family life was much more harmonious than she had imagined.