Chapter 783 the Battle of conspiracy Gu Xin had an accident (9)

After a few rings, the call finally connected. “Hello, Gu Xin.”

“Man Man,”gu xin said, “I had a miscarriage.”

“What?”The person on the other end seemed a little agitated.

“I had a car accident and had a miscarriage. I’m at the hospital now. Is it convenient for you to come over and accompany me? I want to talk to you,”Gu Xin said.

Her voice was a little choked up.

She didn’t know who else she could vent her emotions on.

It was as if only Lu man was there.

Lu Man Man didn’t hesitate at all. “I’ll come over right away. Where are you?”

“A private hospital in the city center.”


Lu Man put down the phone and hurriedly got up from the bed.

Mo Xiuyuan pulled her back. “Where is Mrs. Mo Going?”

“The hospital. Gu Xin had a miscarriage,”lu man said.

After saying it out loud, she held it in for a second.

However, she still could not keep it.

She took a deep breath, lifted the blanket and got off the bed.