Chapter 823 the Battle of conspiracy and mutual benefit (2)

She didn’t even want her to touch him.

The corner of her mouth suddenly curved into a mocking smile.

Zhai an was indeed more realistic than she had imagined.

She turned around.

She turned around very calmly and returned to her room.

In any case, from the very beginning when they first got married, it was an extremely ridiculous thing to see. Now that it had developed to this point, no matter what, it seemed to be a matter of course!

When Gu Xin returned to her room and closed the door, a violent sound was still heard.

At this moment, Zhai an was being supported on the bed by Xiao Qin. He did not even dare to close his eyes. Once he closed his eyes, he would be so upset that he wanted to throw up. He could only quietly look at the darkest light of the crystal chandelier above his head.

He was drunk. Very drunk.

So drunk that he could not walk on his own.

Hence, he asked Xiao Qin to help him.