Chapter 869 Lu Man Qi Xiu Yuan XI (3)

She bit her lip.

She was trying hard to control her emotions.

She said, “Zhai an, I’m not forcing you to like me. I just hope that you will give me a chance. It doesn’t matter if the end result is not good. I’m 22 years old. I just hope that I can fall in love. However, I realized that I can’t find anyone else in this world to fall in love with other than you. “I’ve tried. During your marriage, I tried to find someone I like. Obviously, I can’t let it go.”

Zhai an looked at Wen Yan.

This relationship was so similar to the one she had with Gu Xin.

Because she didn’t want to make do, she couldn’t accept anyone else.

“Zhai an...”Wen Yan said. As she spoke, her eyes suddenly turned red.

So many years.

So many years of forbearance.

If he still chose to reject her at this moment when she had no dignity to ask him to date her, she did not know if she would do something shocking.

Her throat moved slightly, and her body trembled.