Chapter 888 men’s competition (4)

“To Wen Yun, I am the Devil,”Lu man said word by word.

Mo Xiuyuan smiled, “I don’t care what you are to others, but your beauty can only belong to me.”

“Overbearing,”lu man muttered, but she could not help but smile.

If the person she liked was overbearing to her, that was love.

If the person she did not like was overbearing towards her, that was disgust.

Women were always a kind of animal that put feelings first.

Mo Xiuyuan wiped his lips and said in a slightly serious tone, “However, Wen Yun is still very competitive. After all, Wen Yun’s grandfather is still in charge of the entire Wen City. With a single stomp of his foot, he might be able to turn the city hall of Wen City upside down. “Most people wouldn’t dare to disobey him.”

“Moreover, the Wen family still has a backer in the capital,”Lu man said word by word.

Mo Xiuyuan frowned.