Chapter 980 the spicier the older the ginger (2)

“It’s time to eat.”It was rare for Old Ye to listen to Ye Heng’s nagging. He stood up from the sofa and ordered the maids.

The maids quickly nodded and ordered the kitchen to serve the dishes.

The Ye family ate a lot. In fact, Old Ye didn’t eat much, especially the big meat. Old Ye didn’t eat at all. The soup that he made was basically for the maids to feed her. She stayed in the Ye family’s villa for more than a month, she had grown more than the previous four. She was really afraid that when she gave birth, she would be so fat that she couldn’t see anyone.

The family ate.

At the quiet dining table, elder ye suddenly spoke with a serious voice, “From today on, the two of you will live here.”

“What?”Ye Heng looked at him in disbelief, “Ye Banxian, you must be joking. When you asked me to marry Tang Yaoyao and say that we would give birth to the child in her belly, didn’t you say that we would live alone? Now, you suddenly live together. What does that mean?”