Chapter 985 the older the spicier the ginger (7)

Who cares, he has plenty of women!

From now on, this woman is his blacklist!

While deleting the number, he dialed another one.

Similarly, he was ecstatic to agree, similarly, when he really went over, that side would find all kinds of reasons to refuse.


Two people.

All of them were like this.

Damn it!

Did he encounter a ghost today? !

He sat angrily in his small sports car. He flipped through his phone numbers. He had called all the numbers of all the women he had. There wasn’t a single one who could serve him. He was so angry that he suddenly thought, this damn everything was arranged by Old Man Ye, right.

Other than him, no one else would be so bored as to cut off all his peach blossoms.

This old man was really playing for real? !

He restarted the car and drove straight to the charm bar.