Chapter 996 Zhai an’s game against Zhai Yi’s plot (2)

A sinister smile appeared on Zhai Yi’s cold face. He did not hide his smile at all.

Zhai an moved her throat slightly and sat in the most remote place.

When Zhai Hong saw that his son had returned, he said bluntly, “Zhai an is back. Let’s continue with today’s meeting.”

The others did not say anything. They only heard Zhai Hong’s voice.

“Just now, Zhai Yi suggested that our Zhai’s group should immediately terminate the strategic cooperation with the LU group and choose to enter into the same cooperation method with another company. That company’s condition is that they are willing to compensate us for all the losses that we have suffered in the Lu group during this period of time. At the same time, they will offer a price that is twice that of the Lu Group and sign a strategic cooperation agreement with the Zhai’s group,”Zhai Hong said bluntly.

Zhai an frowned.

In order to stop him, Zhai Yi dared to do anything bold.