Chapter 1048 Zhai an’s embarrassing defeat of Zhai Yi in a game of chess (1)

Zhai group.

In the solemn and luxurious board meeting room.

Zhai Yi’s sarcastic voice rang clearly in the huge meeting room, so that everyone could hear it clearly.

Zhai an raised her head and took a look at Zhai Yi.

There were many gazes around her with a hint of disdain. All of them were focused on Zhai an.

Zhai an pursed her lips. In the end, she did not explain anything.

Zhai Hong coughed heavily. Only then did everyone shift their attention back to the main topic.

Zhai Hong said, “Speak, Zhai Yi. Why did you convene the Board of Directors?”

Zhai Yi stood up from his seat with a serious expression. He had the demeanor of a leader. In fact, it was easy for Zhai Yi to accept the Zhai Corporation at his current stage of development, his ability was obvious from a very young age. Moreover, he had been training for so many years!