Chapter 1052 Zhai An’s defeat of Zhai Yi in a game of chess (5)

Zhai an’s suddenly serious and threatening words made the entire board of directors fall silent.

Perhaps no one had expected that Zhai an would suddenly have such a domineering air.

All the board members looked at him like that.

“Can I, director Li?”Zhai an asked him.

Director Li snorted and said, “Since you have already said that, you can say it or not. However, Zhai an, every word and action in the business world is not your so-called house wine. What you have said will be counted. Don’t Be Shameless.”

“Although I, Zhai an, don’t have the prestige of general manager Zhai, I still have character. Since I have said it, I will not go back on my words,”Zhai an said coldly and indifferently. He took the projector personally, he plugged in his USB and projected his plan onto the big screen.

The entire board of directors looked at his plan.