Chapter 1103 Desperate Investigation (3)

Then there was a big brother standing in front of her with a very gentle smile.

He squatted down and touched her head, asking her where her home was?

Although she was very scared at that time, but from a young age, in order to prevent her from getting lost, the family had given her the home address and phone number, but the big brother also did not have a cell phone, so he could only take her home by bus.

At that time, the elder brother had been holding her hand, she felt very safe, in a sudden helpless, someone holding her like this, that touched, until now, she still remembered.

On the bus, the elder brother in order to make her less afraid, asked her a lot of questions.

Ask her parents.

Ask her hobbies.

Ask her a lot.

She told him everything she knew. She even told him her birthday, her wishes, and that she would marry Big Brother when she grew up.

At that time, Big Brother seemed to smile.