Chapter 1115. Mo Xiuyuan’s ability to gamble (2)

His words were affectionate.

Even his former rival and ex-girlfriend would never slander him. He gave off the feeling of a modest gentleman.

Lu Man Man felt that it was very funny.

She really did not know how he could say such words that completely went against his conscience.

She opened the post and replied.

Many internet trolls were flooding the screen.

Most of them wished Wen Yun happiness.

There were also some who belittled and ridiculed Mo Xiuyuan and felt sorry for Lu Man for not being able to read people.

Of course, there were also some real netizens who were still against Wen Yun and felt that he was extremely hypocritical. Previously, when Lu Man got married, she had said that she would wait for him. Now that she had turned around, she had fallen in love with someone else. What a jerk!

There were actually not many cursing voices.

At first, there might be a lot of them, but there were deleted posts, deleted posts, and banned words.