Chapter 1124 a desperate plan succeeds (2)

“Lu Man Man, why are you so hypocritical?”Wen bin leaned against the chair, his hands behind his head, looking at her meaningfully.

Lu Man Man smiled faintly.

She took off her coat.

She really felt a little hot.

Wen Bin’s eyes moved.

Her perfect body curves made her figure look exquisite and charming.

“Let’s eat first. Don’t spoil everyone’s Appetite,”Lu man said.

The waiter had already served them a glass of red wine after they woke up.

Wen bin held the glass of red wine and started drinking without clinking glasses with Lu Man Man.

He said, “Lu Man Man, I’m getting married soon. What’s the use of you treating me like this?”

His eyes were provocative. His gaze slid from her face to her sexy collarbone, and then looked at her deep cleavage.

Lu Man Man also held a glass of wine and sipped it herself. “Who said it was for you to see?”

“So you’re admiring yourself?”

“Why not?”Lu Man Man smiled.