Chapter 1167 was successfully deciphered (8)

Now, she did not dare to reveal anything to her parents. She was afraid that they would be even more worried.

The only one who could give her fear was Wang Zhong.

At the entrance of the villa.

Ye Heng got out of the car and waited for her with a cigarette in his hand.

Ye Heng seemed to be a little addicted to cigarettes these two days. Sometimes, he would smoke every cigarette alone. He was probably worried about Mo Xiuyuan’s matter.

Lu Man walked over.

Ye Heng naturally put out the cigarette butt. In the end, she placed her heart in the trunk and opened the car door for her to sit in the front passenger seat. Then, she got into the car.

Qin Ao drove while Leng Juncheng sat in the front passenger seat.

The car drove on the streets of Wen City.

It was the first day of the new year, and there were few people around.

Everyone was united at home.