Chapter 1251 the counterattack succeeded (2)

Wen Yun, who had been comforting her, did not immediately answer no.

He looked up and down at Nan Zhiqin, then gave her a look that she could not tell what was in it.

She thought.

Maybe this was Wen Yun’s expression when he killed someone.

Wen Yun turned around and left.

Nan Zhiqin watched as the door was closed and locked.

The crisp sound of the door being locked could really drive her crazy at any moment.

She endured her emotions, endured, and endured.

Wen Yun went out for a while, brought in a few books, put them on the sofa in the room, and said, “Take a look to pass the time.”

“Wen Yun, how long do you want to torture me? !”

“Until you know that I’m true to you.”

“Isn’t that a Lifetime?”Nan Zhiqin asked him coldly.

Wen Yun sneered, “Sometimes it’s better for a woman to be stupid.”

After that, he closed the door and locked it.