Chapter 1255: Successful Counterattack (6)

“It’s all true. It’s just a matter of whether you believe it or not,”Nan Zhiqin said.

Wen bin frowned.

He was probably making all sorts of calculations in his heart.

Nan Zhiqin knew that this man would always think of other people’s motives before doing anything.

It was just so realistic!

She sneered in her heart.

Then, she heard Wen bin’s gentle voice suppress his temper and say, “It’s good that you can think like that. Look at what happened. You hurt your own body, and my heart aches when I see it. Let’s Live Well in the future. My development is also your development. I believe that we will be together for the rest of our lives.”

He held her uninjured hand and said intimately.

“Mm.”Nan Zhiqin nodded.

The moment she nodded, she turned to look at Mrs. Wen.

Mrs. Wen felt a little guilty when Nan Zhiqin looked at her like that, but she didn’t want to be outdone. She looked at Nan Zhiqin.

Wen Bin was very good at Reading People’s expressions.