Chapter 1353 the honeymoon trip ended (6)

Lu Man Man nodded. “Go out.”

“CEO Lu.”Zhang Cui wanted to say something but hesitated.


“Will CEO Lin Really Never Come Back?”

“He won’t come back!”Lu Man said word by word with determination.

“OH.”Zhang Cui nodded.

“Go out.”Lu Man Man didn’t want to comfort or explain more.

Zhang Cui did not dare to ask further. She felt that CEO Lu suddenly felt a little disgusted with CEO Lin.

Was it because CEO Lu could not accept CEO Lin leaving his job? !

CEO Lin had left. Did he even want to change his phone number? !

She really could not understand. In fact, she knew that her secret love was fruitless. After all, CEO Lin was so outstanding while she was so ordinary.

She took a deep breath.

Fortunately, she still had work to kill time.

Lu Man looked at Zhang Cui’s dejected back and her eyes wavered.

Without Lin Chuchen, her right-hand man, she would be even busier in the future.

She suddenly picked up the phone and dialed.

“Man Man.”